Start Dreaming About
Your Family

No matter what path your journey has taken to become a parent and start a family, we hope that you don’t see this as the end of an emotional journey, but the first step in realizing the miracle of a creating a family. Although everyone has a different story, there are three paths one can take depending upon their individual circumstances—Egg donation, gestational or traditional surrogacy—and all redefine the possibilities of both modern medicine and the modern family.

As a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Fertility Miracles follows strict guidelines and principles. As sponsors of Fertile Hope and Resolve, we take pride in supporting these caring organizations that provide valuable resources for those seeking fertility treatment, fertility support groups, and guidance. Through understanding, communication, support, and confidentiality, the Fertility Miracles team looks forward to carefully managing the details of your special journey.

23901 Calabasas Road
Suite #2060
Calabasas, CA 91302

+1 (310) 858-8835
1 (888) 898-8123

Fertility Miracles, LLC © 2021